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Monday, November 17, 2008

When the four children Peter and Susan and Edmund and Lucy get into a land called Narnia and they have all sorts of adventures. I will tell you about them and their adventures in the next post.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I thought I would put this on because I like veggietales and it is nearly christmas

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I like a series of unfortunate events below is a trailer of it.

this is a series of unfortyanete events the misreble mill

Monday, November 10, 2008

a series of unfortyanate events by lemony snicket
is very good

scream and run away by lemony snicket

I like a series of unfortunate events and I will tell you all about it now.
A series of unfortunate events is about three children called Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire,who are orphans.When a terrible fire has destroyed their home and their parents and they are placed in the care of count Olaf a despicable villain with a tattoo of a eye on his ankle .and then Baily escaping they were sent to a house were lefal snakes were lest likely to hurt them and then sent to a lumber mill .then to borading school. were they were forsted to take gym class.and then to people who threw them down an elevater and then to a village were they were accused of murder and chased by a mob and after runing away from that they fowned themselfs in a hospatil. then a canaval were people liked to kill and laugh at freaksand then nerly frozen terably posened given a un safe taxy ride and dressed as monkeys or possable conceages an then given a boatride with an evel man.
In memory of Doris Enid Thomas,12 Park Lane,Holywell,Who passed away 3rd of November, 2008 aged 102 years old.
She lived though both world wars and the great depressen and many other trials,poor old lady. I have just come home from her funeral.